Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Lies We Believe

There are many phrases in our culture that have been repeated so often we assume their truth.  Sometimes we are even convinced they are part of Scripture, even if the reference eludes us.  We put stock in these words, draw comfort from them, and often do not realize that they are deceptive, partial truths or blatant lies that in fact pull us away from faith, trust, and dependence on God.

They are numerous, these sneaky little lies that we believe.  "God doesn't give you more than you can handle."
Oh really?  It has been my experience that the Lord allows many things to come into my life that I can't handle.  Things that He and only He can "handle" when I turn them over to Him.  The more I try to handle them, the worse the situation often becomes.

What about "God helps those who help themselves"?  It sounds good at first.  After all, we know that we can't just sit around waiting for the Lord to do it all for us.  He sure isn't going to wash my dishes or scrub my floors.  That being said, in all the things that really matter, I can't do a thing to help myself.  All my good works are as filthy rags, I can do no good thing in my own power.  God helps me because He loves me and wants to, not because of my own inadequate efforts.

In this present age, more than any other time in history, society believes "You can do anything you put your mind to."  Right along with this goes "If you don't like your life (or your car, your job your _____ fill in the blank) change it!!"  I have not struggled much with the first one.  I know that no matter how hard I would try I am never ever going to be a world class gymnast, or the President of the United States.  It's just not going to happen.  The second, however, is a lie I only today am beginning to see that I have bought into hook, line, and sinker - and it is robbing me of my peace and joy.

Again, on the surface, it sounds like a wise proverb.  After all, we should do all we can to have the best life possible, right?!?  But the truth be told, even in the great United States of America, I cannot change every part of my life I may find unpleasant.  I am not in control of all things.  As shocking as that is in and of itself, there is an even deeper truth.  Some of the very things that I like the least and want to change as fast as possible are allowed in my life by my Lord to refine me and to bring Him glory.

I am just beginning to realize how much frustration I have brought on myself as I have tried over the years to force my life into the mold that I thought was ideal.  The picture I had in mind was noble.  My dreams were good dreams.  The trouble is that that plans God has for me require some circumstances that I don't really like.  The more I have believed that all I had to do was make changes the more I have chafed against the very things He was allowing with the intent of shaping me into who He created me to be.  To be completely transparent, that's some truth that I'm going to have to swallow slowly.  I don't like it very much, at least not at first.  In fact, I feel a little like a two year old on the verge of a tantrum:  I want what I wanted and I'm not sure  something else is going to be OK with me.  But wait, that doesn't sound like faith at all.  It doesn't sound like I'm truly trusting that His plan is good, much less best.

It's time for me to grow up.  I can't just change my life to make myself happier.  It seems so absurd now, that I believed I could.  After all, if I had developed Cancer I could not simply will it away.  Nor could I just make difficult changes that would guarantee a life free of it's touch.  I think I must be getting used to this truth, as it is starting to feel like a relief.  After all, if I can't necessarily change things that are out of my control, I can stop trying so hard.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I am starting to understand that in a brand new way.  My Father knows my every circumstance and my every need.  He knows me better than I know myself, those deep motives of my heart that still incline toward evil so much of the time.  He loves me.  Not the me I can be and may be someday, but the me that I am right now, today.

I'm a pretty slow learner sometimes.  Who am I kidding, when it comes to things that matter I need lots and lots of review lest I forget the lesson I just learned.  I'm so thankful that He doesn't give up on me and is a patient instructor.  I grateful, too, that He has blessed me with others along the way who encourage and explain and walk a while with me on the road.  It's still an adventure!
