Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Could Get Used To This!

Christmas has come and gone.  The decorations remain (except for the tree), but the truth is the season is "over" for me on the 26th.  We had a good season of celebration.  My December scheduling worked out, and for the most part saved me much stress that comes with waiting too long on some things.  Scott and I have even already discussed and written down things we want to tweak or do differently next year. 

As for my little Project Adventure for December, we went Christmas caroling and distributed cookies to some of our friends.  It was a lot of fun!  We drove around looking at lights, and then ramdomly picked people we knew who lived near where we were.  We only made 4 stops.  Next year we are already planning on doing more - even the kids really enjoyed it.   I had been almost certain they would balk at that idea.  Nice to have a pleasant surprise!

Right now I am sitting on my sofa in front on the fire, watching snowflakes fall, with my honey.  The kids are gone for the weekend so we can relax and celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary.  The actual date is December 31, but it is so much more complicated (and expensive) to go out that night.  While I would have loved to gone back to Naples this year, it was cost prohibitive and we didn't have a sitter(s) for that long.

This is wonderful!  I can't remember when we were last at home alone.  Sleeping as late as I want and just chilling around the house, it is fantastic.  I love my kids.  I've had little ones around for 24 years now, though.  Scott and I were both talking this morning and we absolutely can't wait to have an empty nest.   I know, I know, someone is going to tell me that I will be sad then, and maybe I will.  But to tell you the truth, I'm not sad one bit about our oldest having left the nest and created her own.  She has a wonderful husband, they are building a fanstastic life together, and they love the Lord.  What more could a parent want?

Yesterday after they all left, we sort of felt like it was a taste of the future - what we might be doing the day after Christmas in years to come.   Taking down the tree, just the two of us.  Sitting down to a late lunch of Christmas dinner leftovers on china plates with cloth napkins.  Washing up that little bit of dishes.  Deciding at the last minute (AFTER I enjoyed a long soak with a good book in my giant tub) to run out to dinner instead of cooking something - at 7:00 which is gloriously late for us.  It's not about a big weekend of grand romance, just a simple weekend at home.  Yes, I could get used to this; in fact I look forward to it with great anticipation.  I've enjoyed my time as a parent of young ones, and I will continue to enjoy it; after all we have a ways to go.  Ben is only 3!  It sure is nice to have a glimpse of what is hopefully to come - if God chooses to leave both of us here that long.  If not we will certainly be glad of the memories.

As for January, I guess I need to be thinking of a new adventure, don't I?!  I'm sure I'll be doing some more shooting with my pink Christmas 22 (how fun is that!).  I know I need to make some decisions about healthy living, too.  My husband gave me the book "Julie&Julia" for Christmas, and I am enjoying it very much.  With it comes a fresh reminder of why I decided to do this blog and these adventures.  I am very well pleased with how this project has gone so far.  I can't wait to see what 2010 holds!

What are your plans for living life in 2010?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Just One Thing to Say (maybe)

Lately I'm feeling a little "thinner".  Weird.  I don't know that I look any different, and after going through 6 pregnancies in 12 years it would take a lot of surgery to get back any semblance of a flat tummy; but I think there is a little less of me.   So, I hopped on the scale.  I'm now down 6 pounds.  I guess my eat whatever you want and never ever workout plan is working :-)!  Actually, I'm wondering if Mr. Legstrong's strict plan and yucky shakes really did somehow jump start my metabolism and I'm having a residual effect weeks later.  Hmm, something to ponder.

I have to add (yeah, I know I said one thing) that I had to sit here and think and think how I could have had 6 pregnancies in 12 years when I have 7 kiddos all  2 years apart.  I kept thinking I was doing the math wrong.  1994-2006 is indeed 12 years.  Yep, if you add in one adoption that makes 7 - I have no idea why this is confusing me, but like I always tell my "cool beans" friend, I HATE MATH!  In case you are thinking,
"Hey doesn't she have 8 children?":  Yes, I do.  I didn't count the oldest kiddo because she was born so many years before the rest that my body returned to semi-normal.  Isn't that more than you ever wanted to know!

In December news, the decorating is done (mostly), the project supplies are purchased, and the gifts are nearly all ready for wrapping or wrapped.  We are on schedule! I hope you are having a Christmas adventure of your own!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's December Already!

I really can't believe we are so close to the end of 2009.  This is one of my favorite times of year, and I know it will fly by at warp speed.  So, time to wrap up November's adventure, and get December's plans down before January shows up in all its blah-ness.

I learned something about myself in November.  Actually, I alrready knew it, but it's confirmed for sure now.  I don't like to do things that are difficult for me.  I'm not one who is hugely motivated by a challenge, especially a physical one.  I prefer to wade around in the comfortable waters of things I already know I'm good at.  I don't mind cooking for 30, which isn't easy, because I'm pretty confident in the end result. 

Working out, on the other hand, is hard AND I don't trust the outcome.  So I must confess, I quit on my November project, right after the last post.  I didn't work out one more time.  I ate whatever I wanted, and to be honest I think I ate more junk just because.  So, after days of holiday food, leftovers, cheesecake for breakfast and dinner, and brownies just this morning, I got on the scale.

Crazy, but I'm down 5 pounds from November 1.   So, what does this MEAN?  Did my efforts for 10 days or so really pay off?  Is it a weird fluke?  I have no idea.   I do know this.  I need to exercise.  I need to develop healthier eating patterns.  I still need to make that doctor's appointment.  I also have re-confirmed that the minute I try to make a lot of changes at once (my November plan quickly morphed into a strict regimine, and then I QUIT), I won't stick it out.

I have decided to make an overall goal for the rest of this project (through May) to make healthier choices and make the effort to exercise.  I want to really take the baby steps to making new habits that I think I can stick with.  I will also make that darn appointment before 2009 closes it's door.  I WILL do it!  For December, if I manage to work out 2 days a week and be mindful of what I put in my mouth, it will be enough.  I'm not going to try to add more than that in this month.  I'll re-visit this in January.

As for my December Project, in a way I started it in December of 2008.  As I went through that holiday season feeling very rushed and not enjoying it as I wanted, I took notes.  What did I need to have done, and when, to have time for the things I LOVE at this time of year.  I wrote it all on my 2009 calendar.  When did I want the shopping done by?  The wrapping?  The crafts and projects?  The baking?  The cards?  All of these things give me so much joy, but not when they are crammed all into too short a time.  Wrapping gifts frantically on Christmas Eve is NOT fun. 

So far, so good at following my plan.  This is decorating week.  I am enjoying leisurely spreading Christmas around the house.  Next week:  projects, followed by baking week.  All shopping is to be completed by the 12th, with the wrapping to be , he he, wrapped up, by the 20th.  This leaves me Christmas week for whatever I want to do to enjoy the season with no pressure to FINISH something! 

I also have several plans in place to do things that I know I will LOVE!  The kids' Christmas musicals at FBCW and WayPoint Church, going to the Little Drummer Boy, and the piece de resistance:  White Christmas at the Fabulous Fox!  Having the extra time in my schedule to do these things "guilt free" because I am on track with the things I want to/love to/need to do will be wonderful!

Lastly, I have a secret Project Adventure for that week of Christmas.  It is something I have always wanted to do, and never had the time for.  I can't tell you what it is here, because if you know me in person it is possible that it involves you :-).  I will be sure and blog about it after it happens.  It will involve my immediate family's cooperation, so you might want to say a prayer that they get in the spirit of the season and help me out without whining and complaining!

I know that for some of my more adrenaline loving friends this month's project might not seem worthy of being called an adventure.  That's OK, this path is mine, and sometimes I am a little boring!  Besides, all of life is a grand adventure!  I am so looking forward to having the time to meditate on what Christmas really means, and the time to spend with the Lord, not leaving him out of my days because they are too full of "urgent" stuff to do.    As I am working through a Bible study entitled "Advent:  A Savior For All People", I have been challenged to intentionally spend this season looking for opportunities to experience holy wonder.  That is my true goal for December, to remember and reflect in holy wonder that God so loved the world (ME) that He sent His only begotten son that whosoever (ME) believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.  (John 3:16).   For this is love, not that Denise loved God, but that He loved Her and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for Her sins. (1John 4:10).

Have a truly wonder-filled Christmas. 

