Monday, December 7, 2009

Just One Thing to Say (maybe)

Lately I'm feeling a little "thinner".  Weird.  I don't know that I look any different, and after going through 6 pregnancies in 12 years it would take a lot of surgery to get back any semblance of a flat tummy; but I think there is a little less of me.   So, I hopped on the scale.  I'm now down 6 pounds.  I guess my eat whatever you want and never ever workout plan is working :-)!  Actually, I'm wondering if Mr. Legstrong's strict plan and yucky shakes really did somehow jump start my metabolism and I'm having a residual effect weeks later.  Hmm, something to ponder.

I have to add (yeah, I know I said one thing) that I had to sit here and think and think how I could have had 6 pregnancies in 12 years when I have 7 kiddos all  2 years apart.  I kept thinking I was doing the math wrong.  1994-2006 is indeed 12 years.  Yep, if you add in one adoption that makes 7 - I have no idea why this is confusing me, but like I always tell my "cool beans" friend, I HATE MATH!  In case you are thinking,
"Hey doesn't she have 8 children?":  Yes, I do.  I didn't count the oldest kiddo because she was born so many years before the rest that my body returned to semi-normal.  Isn't that more than you ever wanted to know!

In December news, the decorating is done (mostly), the project supplies are purchased, and the gifts are nearly all ready for wrapping or wrapped.  We are on schedule! I hope you are having a Christmas adventure of your own!



  1. You look great, and are an awesome wife and Mommy. Kinda funny to read some of what I heard last night. I Love You

  2. awww, Thanks honey! (and I mean thanks for not laughing at my inept for numbers brain) :-)

