Friday, October 23, 2009


Homecoming season has been upon us, and I have enjoyed looking at the pictures of my friends' children all dressed up for their big night out.  There is something that has been on my mind; however, and at the risk of offending someone I've just got to speak out.

When did Christian parents decide it was OK to allow their daughters to sacrifice modesty for fashion?  When did we decide it wasn't that important, or "everyone dresses that way", or that we have no authority over what our children wear? 

Let me be clear, I don't have an issue with being fashionable.  I am just extremely uncomfortable with seeing so much of these young ladies' breasts.  I am thinking how difficult it must be to be a teenage boy trying to be pure in his thought life with this temptation surrounding him for "fashion's sake".  In fact, if you want me to be completely honest, I am a little angry that my husband is exposed to much more of these young bodies than is proper.   Sometimes it's the not so young bodies as well!

OK, before anyone accuses me of not taking the log out of my own eye, I do have a son who has an issue with "sagging".  We fight that battle on a daily basis, and I am not giving in.  As strongly as I feel about THAT; however, I doubt it is enticing anyone to have lustful thoughts.  It is just stupid.  In addition, I have on occasion worn something I later regretted.  I too have been guilty.

That being the case does not excuse parents who are not willing or able to set standards for modest dress with their daughters.  It would be no different than saying because I have a daughter who was born out of wedlock means I cannot stand for the truth that the Lord designed the sexual relationship for marriage and anything outside of that is sin.   (Now there's another can of worms.  I'm probably offending people right and left today).

I guess that's about all I have to say on the matter.  Each family has to decide their own standards, and I realize they will differ.  I am just really sad to see these sweet girls dressing in a way that is designed to tempt.  What are we thinking in America today?

One more thing, if you are my friend, and your daughter has just been to Homecoming, please don't ask me if I mean you.  I really am not trying to point out one specific example, just my disgust with the trend as a whole.  If you think it might be you, examine your own beliefs regarding modest dress, and go from there.  It is still a free country (for the moment), and I am just expressing my own opinion. 



  1. Denise, as my girls are getting bigger I am finding it is harder and harder to find clothes out there that in our mind fit them properly. I used to think all the tank tops under shirts was silly until I went back to work and had to buy clothes besides T-Shirts and Brooke started wearing Junior clothes. Now we wear tank tops a lot!! I am afraid I am going to have to go back to making the girl's clothes in order to make sure they cover them. And what is going on with the undergarmets they have now days for these kids? Do they sell a plain white bra for these young girls?
    I have not looked at any homecoming pictures except of a couple of sharp looking young men in their shirts and ties (which cover all of them)but ladies young and old need to learn my new favorite line "modest is hotest".
    Becky Ginger

  2. I believe you are on the mark on this one deer. Thanks for standing the ground you believe in! Your man.

  3. I completely agree, Denise!!!!!!!!

  4. How did your thought process go from young girls Breasts, to your husband being subjected to them.
    What has that got to do with homecoming.
    What is the real issue you have trouble with.
    Trust me young boys are going to have thoughts about girls and there own sexuality weather you like it or not!
    It sounds like you all should be shopping at the Penacostal store for your fashions.
    The day when women stop looking beautiful and keeping themselves up is the day I will be checking out.
    Proud of my beautiful wife, keep looking hot for me baby.
    I will throw a blanket over you if I feel someone else thinks your hot as well.
    PS that log is not in your eye, keep looking!

  5. Dear Anonymous,

    In response to your question, the real issue I have trouble with is young girls (and women) exposing too much of their bodies with immodest clothing. I am not a prude. I believe that putting in effort to be beautiful is important, as is looking "hot" for your husband. I agree that teenage boys (and men in general) will have thoughts about girls/women, and that is exactly why it is not appropriate to dress in such a way as to intentionally incite lust. I have not ever been to a "Penacostal store" so I cannot comment on shopping at one. I can say I do not wear dresses or denim jumpers every day, I believe that my wardrobe is stylish (although everyone has days that they lounge in sweats), and my daughters do not stand out in a crowd due to being clothed entirely differently than the culture. It is my opinion that a girl/woman can be stylish, and yet modest. It is my opinion that it is their moral duty to do so, and their parents' moral duty to insure that they do. Lastly, as to how this relates to homecoming, when the photos of young ladies 14-16 years old show that their dresses of choice have plunging necklines and reveal an inappropriate amount of their bodies (in my opinion), it is a sad commentary on how the values our culture is exhibiting.

  6. Sounds like you hit at least one nerve there, I'm proud of your stance, and wish to be salt and light to the world, as our country seems to be being devoured by lustfull adds on the internet and TV. Seems as though in my lifetime, early on, all women wore skirts or dresses to church on Sunday out of modesty....

  7. Mom, I agree! Now as I watch the Halloween pictures go up I'm horrified by what constitutes a "costume"! Mostly, it just makes me sad to see that so many girls (and women) have a distorted view of the beauty God intended them to be.

    It is sad that one of the things that comes with working with youth (even in a church) is that my husband often gets an eye-ful. I remember when I was in the youth group at FBCW - Sarah Hollis sat down with all of the girls one day and explained how angry it made her when she saw what her husband was exposed to as a youth minister - I don't know about everyone else, but that put it into perspective for me and now I know what she meant!

    To the Anonymous Commentor: My mom more than once made me change my clothes growing up because they were "inappropriate" despite my objections that they were just fine - and I'm greatful. Now at almost 24 I can say that I am confident in who I am and that modesty has not made me unfashionable. As a matter of fact, I love finding creative ways to wear the current styles while preserving modesty - like scarves - oh my how I love scarves!! I am absolutely sure that if my husband was into the blog thing he would say he is proud of his beautiful wife too (and glad that she has always saved the "hot" part just for him)!


