Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Things I Like

This is an impulse post.  I was just thinking, as I was scrubbing a bathroom, that if I'm looking for things that bring me joy, I might want to make a list of things I actually know I like.  So, I am.  Without further ado, and in no particular order....

1.  Comments on my blog posts.
2.  Chocoloate of various kinds.  I love those treasure candies, they remind
      me of the caramel candy bars we used to sell in school for fundraisers. 
3.  A fire in the fireplace.
4.  Reading.
5.  That Cranberry Sierra Mist that is only out this time of year, haven't had
     any yet this season.
6.  Fall - the way it looks, smells, feels... I love it!
7.  Clean sheets on a freshly made bed.  VERY high thread count.  Mmmm,
     feels fabulous
8.  A massage
9.  A cup of hot tea
10.  That time in the morning when no one else is up but me & the Lord
11.  Going out to eat - good food (NOT fast food)
12.  Watching the Food Network
13.  Watching LOST
14.  Going to the movies
15.  That snuggly time between waking up and having to get out of bed
16.  Having someone brush my hair
17.  Music - especially when it brings up memories.  Someday I'll blog
         about songs - who and what they make  me think of
18.  Bubble baths, especially with a book, chocolate, and tea.
         If I would have put the fireplace in the wall between the
         bedroom and bathroom like I wanted to, I'd be in heaven!
19.  Scenic drives - which I HATED growing up, but now love!
20.  Sitting on the beach, with my honey and a book
21.  Cooking (when the kitchen is clean and orderly),
        especially trying new recipies & tweaking them
22.  Lilacs
23.  Starbucks:  Cafe Moca & a slice of pumpkin loaf
24.  Working on geneaology...the best puzzles of all!
25.  Lying on the couch, with my knees bent, and a kiddo
         sitting in that little spot behind my legs, reading to me
         or watching TV.

Well, not bad for a start.  I think I'll try and add a few things to the list every so often.  It's good to remember the simple things that I really enjoy!


  1. Great List!! But you forgot to mention the smell of freshly burned gun powder from a 20 gauge shotgun! :-)

  2. I could cut and paste that list and it would almost describe me to a T...maybe there was something to that twin thing in high school???

