Monday, December 20, 2010

One Is Silver and the Other, Gold

A few years ago I made a desperate plea to God.  "Please, Lord, I need some friends!".  I had lots of people whom I could exchange pleasantries with.  There were a few ladies I could head to a movie with, or out to dinner.  You know the kind of relationships I mean:  "How are you doing?"  "Oh, fine - and you?" - while the world might be falling down around my ears.  This was in my pre-Facebook days, and living out in the semi-country and homeschooling meant my daily contact with adults was frequently pretty minimal.

I was just thinking about those days, and remembering how lonely and depressed I was.  I cried out to Him again and again, and in my human foolishness when He didn't appear to answer I sunk all the lower.  We humans are like that; we want what we want - and think we need - NOW.  Many of us have no patience.  I was looking for a phone call that very day, and obvious answer, a miracle.  It is only in hindsight that I can see with clarity that He was working; weaving together the very answer I sought, but good things often take time.

Some of the very situations, struggles, and circumstances that led me to my knees to begin with have been instrumental in forming bonds, especially over the last year, that otherwise may never had happened.  The painful events that cause the "fine" to turn to truth, the willingness to be transparent before my sisters in Christ, have created lasting bonds and relationships deeper than I could have imagined.

As I have examined what I know about God over the last weeks, answered prayers like that one have come to mind. As I met today with some of my dear friends (the Princess Club), I realized that these ladies KNOW stuff about me.  They know lots of stuff, and much of it isn't pretty.  Yet, they love me anyway.  Some are near to me geographically, and a few are far away, yet I know without a doubt that we are connected for eternity.  I have also been tremendously blessed to re-kindle some friendships from my school days, with lovely ladies who never fail to give the gift of laughter.  I did not realize how much I had missed laughing until my tummy ached - and now I do it every time we get together.  I have also known the joy of seeing decades long friendships with those I see only rarely continue and grow sweeter.  As if that was not enough, in 2010 my communications with my oldest and dearest childhood friends (my cousins) have become much more frequent and we are connected again as we have not been in years.  How did I miss God's hand at work, giving every good gift, happily granting my request?

As the realization washes over me I am overcome with gratitude and a sense of blessing.  I know that I am not alone.  God IS with me, and He has graciously brought others into the circle of my life to love and be loved by.  Oh, I am rich indeed.  In 2011, I want to cherish those friendships.  I wonder if there is another out there, lonely like I was.  Lord,  teach me to be a friend like You.  Use me.  Who do You want me to befriend?

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