Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh my, what have I gotten myself into??

OK, first off I'll just come right out and admit it, I lied.  I didn't MEAN to.  It just sort of happened.  Back in that last post when I said the next one would certainly be about shooting, well, it's not.  When I said it, I meant it.  Life (and when I say life, I mean horrible, awful, lay you out in bed for days flu-ish sickness) got in my way.  I haven't done ANYTHING since then.  Seriously, I don't think I have left the house.   I suppose the right thing to do would have been to wait and blog again after I took a step towards the shooting.  The trouble with that is all the words flying around in my head trying to get out.  If I don't "spend" them here, my poor family will be subject to them, and I just don't think they can take it right now.  This dumb illness has really taken it out of all of us.  So I apologize.  I do believe lying is a serious thing.  I won't make any future promises about upcoming blogs, so as not to make that same mistake again.  Please forgive me.

In the meantime, I have some exciting (read terrifying) news regarding my October adventure.  At least I think it will be in October.  Ah, I digress.  WAY back in August, when I was contemplating this season of adventure, I recklessly signed my name on an audition sheet for a part in a theatrical production.  A production about which I know NOTHING.  I think it is possibly a dinner theater.  I could easily be wrong.  I think the production is in October.  I really don't know for sure. 

You see, it was an audition list.  I have never acted in anything before.  I've always thought it would be fun to try.  I suppose I might have a tiny flair for the dramatic somewhere in me.  OK, stop laughing and just read on; it wasn't that funny.  I could try anyway, and I would find out what it really was all about at the audition.

Fast forward to last night, where I, in my feverish haze, was informed that a script would be dropped off with my husband for me tonight.  "For the audition?", I inquired.    The stunning reply was that I had been cast without an audition at all.  My fevered mind said, "Fun!- I can't wait!"

Now here I sit, fever free.  I have in my possession a bound copy of the script - bigger than my first church directory.  This is some serious theater, the first rehersal for which is NEXT WEEK.  I am not bragging (truly), but I am a very fast reader.  I sat down to speed read through this thing and did not finish before putting it down to blog in my panic.  What if I can't do this?  What if I fall flat on my face?  What if....

So, I'm taking a deep breath.  Now I'm letting it out.  I wanted adventure, right?  I guess this will tell me if I enjoy acting - or if I am any good at it!  I don't want to give anything away - you might have the good (or mis-) fortune of seeing this production.  With that in mind, I'm not going to tell you what it is called.  I will tell you my character's description:

             Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, spoiled rich girl.
             Accustomed to having  everything done for her and
             having her way.  Would have someone else "think"
            for her if she could.

Aside from my husband's famous quip that of course I worked at Burger King as a teenager, it is the home of "have it your way" -I think it's safe to say I will have to actually ACT to play this role.  No free rides, here.
I can tell you this, some of my lines have me laughing out loud.  That won't be good for the story, though.  I wonder what I will need to wear?  I'm a little short on rich girl clothes!  I think I need to ponder the old, classic movies that I love so much for someone to sort of build the character around.  I can't seem to think of any though.  My favorite actresses were too smart, the Katherine Hepburn roles.  The "dumb" blondes are not sophisticated enough; "Mutual I'm sure".  I just can't quite picture who she should be.

It would seem that October's adventure has been decided with certainty.  It is my intent to still explore shooting in what remains of September.  I also am eager to dig into another chapter of Tozer.  So much to do, and I have wasted so much time of late laying around doing NOTHING.  Is it lying around?  Lie and lay always do tirp me up.  Please feel free to let me know if you are a grammar queen (or king).  For that matter, please feel free to suggest actresses/roles you think I might use for preparation. 

In conclusion, I will try (note, not promise) to post pictures from the production for posterity, or perhaps just for proof of participation!  Perhaps you will peruse them at some point.  In the meantime, live your own adventure, persevere!

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm anxious to see the production! I at least know your character's name....which does not help me in the least! The only one I know is the biblical character, which I'm guessing is not it. Maybe I'll google it and see how many of those there are in plays and try to come up with it somehow! ta-ta for now mwah....:)

