Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is it worth it?

Well, I caved to temptation and did what I said I wasn't going to do.  I wish I hadn't.  I can't take it back now, however.  I got the scale out "just to see".  Well, I saw.  One little pound.  As is typical, I put in the effort for virtually no result.  I realize it has only been a week and a half.  That being said, it is my understanding in most people with a lot of excess weight to loose it is not unusual to get rid of 5-10 pounds the first week.  After all, I went from never exercising, to 6 "sessions" of at least 1 1/2 miles each.  I was careful most days about eating.  I didn't drink soda, or juice, etc. 

I'm left to wonder, is it worth it to me to try and change my body?  I'm not talking the "getting healthy" part,  There is no debate on the merits of eating healthy foods and exercising.  I'm saying, should I just accept that this is the size I am, predetermined by God and my DNA - just look at much of my family.  We are solidly put together, built for work.  In a different culture/era would my size have been just fine?  Am I wanting to be something that just isn't realistic for me?

Am I going to find joy analizing every bite I put in my mouth, choking down shakes, working out until I'm drenched, and looking exactly the same at the end of the day?  Does the God of the universe, who knows my name and sent His son to pay the price for my sin that I might have a relationship with Him, serve Him, glorify Him want me to spend so much mental and physical energy on my looks (under the "nice" label of health)?   These are the issues I am going to seriously ponder the rest of the month.

I will finish November with this focus, as I need to work on being a finisher.  This is a part of my character that needs work.  I am just not sure about continuing after that with the intention of changing my body shape and size.  What do you think about body image?



  1. Just as an FYI - I think the 5-10 lbs is a lie (ok at least an exaggeration by the weight loss "industry", fitness gurus or those biggest loser people). While I was on weight watchers, I expected to lose the "average" of 2-3 lbs the first week (or more since I felt like I was starving) and instead lost 1 lb - ugh! I do know my cousin (who was trying to lose 75-100lbs or more) lost 6 lbs in a week and 1/2 once but all she ate was fruit/veggies and all she drank was water!! While I think healthy eating is great, I think our culture as a whole is too concerned with body image. I think God wants us to eat healthy and take care of our bodies but also wants us to enjoy life. Just remember the stress of it all is not good for you either. Don't beat yourself up!!! If you want to keep going, great if not - that's fine too!! Love you!

  2. I think the whole "body image" thing is what causes us to make promises we can't keep about diets/work out plans. When my goal is to see the wieght drop off it never seems to work. If it does, I rarely keep going with the "plan" for much longer.

    That's why I don't like the meal supplements, etc. I think we all need to just focus on adjusting our eating habits in general - but without being ridiculous about it. If I want to make a batch of cookies or have a mocha on occasion I think it's fine - as long as the rest of the time I'm making a serious effort to make healthy choices. For me it's all about making choices that I can stick to for years instead of weeks.

    Focusing on getting in more of the "good stuff" instead of just trying to cut out all the things I want helps, too. It's fun from a cooking perspecitve to find sneaky ways to get in more vegetables, etc. No, it doesn't curb my desire for chocolate, but in order to actually get in as much of the vitamins, veggies, etc we are "supposed" to, I wind up munching all day. Since I'm busy eating something else, I'm not reaching for the bag of chocolate chips.

    So, maybe it's a little hypocritical to say all that since I haven't been very faithful about it lately and my waistline is proof. However, I believe every word of it because it has worked for me in the past AND hearing (okay, reading) you talk about all this has been enough to motivate me back to the gym and to actually be "intentional" about my kitchen contents.

  3. where is the like button on here?

