Sunday, November 8, 2009

Time For Week 2

All in all, I think I had a successful first week of my "health & fitness project".  I completed most of the goals.  I still have to make an appointment with the doctor, but I did get started on the physician search.
I drank some water every day, not always 2 glasses.  I worked out 4 times.  I logged enough food to see that although I don't think I am eating excessive amounts, if I want to get to a weight loss plan in the future I will have to be more intentional.  1,200 calories comes pretty easily!  I got some good input from friends and have had much food for thought on this topic.

As we are approaching the holidays, it seems like a crazy time of year to focus on this.  Most people wait unitl January.  I still think it is a good idea for me to make little adjustments, baby steps, and try and form good habits.  My nature is to make a big plan and jump in to a huge change, and then crash and burn.  I really am trying to take it slow.  That being said, I really do want to be healthy and have more energy.  I want to go shopping for a new outfit feel like it looks good.  You know the feeling - I haven't had it in a long time.  I know I won't achieve this without hard work.  I am trying hard to balance my desire for change with my knowledge of how I operate.  Time for some goals for this week:

___ Make those appointments with the physician and eye doctor
___ Continue with the daily vitamin
___ Continue with the water.  Really aim for 3 glasses a day
___ Workout 4 of the next 7 days, at least 30 minutes
___Adopt a specific eating plan for breakfast and lunch this week on days I am home
___Test out the protien shakes, shoot for 1/2 in the morning,  1/2 in the afternoon and see if I notice a
          measurable difference in energy levels
___Intentionally spend a mimimum of 15 minutes outside each day that weather permits, getting some sun
       which will be good for me and playing with kiddos.

That's it for the next 7 days.  I am actually looking forward to working on those things.  That is a change.  I am also much more relaxed knowing I don't have to THINK about them anymore, I can just live life, incorporating these things into it.   While I don't think my body changed any this week, my mind and attitude have.  Looking forward to the adventure,


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